About Us

Who We Are

Welcome to Write your own story, a non-profit organization dedicated to propelling the educational and societal development of children, youth, and adults. Our mission is to empower individuals by providing them with valuable tools and experiences that foster personal growth and enable them to create their own success stories.

At Write your own story, we believe in the power of mentoring. Our mentoring sessions are designed to offer guidance, support, and inspiration to individuals of all ages. Through one-on-one interactions, our experienced mentors create a nurturing environment where mentees can explore their passions, set goals, and develop the necessary skills to achieve them. We are committed to fostering meaningful relationships that empower individuals to overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential.

Public speaking is a vital skill in today’s world, and at Write your own story, we recognize its significance. We provide comprehensive public speaking programs that equip participants with the confidence and eloquence needed to effectively express their ideas and make a lasting impact. Our workshops and training sessions cover various aspects of public speaking, including speech writing, delivery techniques, and overcoming stage fright. We believe that everyone has a unique story to share, and we strive to amplify their voices through the art of public speaking.Field experiences play a crucial role in enhancing learning and personal development. Through our carefully curated field trips and hands-on experiences, we offer individuals the opportunity to explore different industries, cultures, and environments. Whether it’s visiting museums, engaging in community service projects, or participating in nature expeditions, our field experiences expose participants to new perspectives, broaden their horizons, and ignite a sense of curiosity and adventure.

At Write your own story, we are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community. We believe that education and personal growth should be accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic background or other barriers. Through scholarships and outreach programs, we strive to ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal opportunities to benefit from our initiatives.

Join us at Write your own story and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal transformation. Together, let’s unleash the potential within and create a brighter future for individuals, fam.


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